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Table 1 Patients’ characteristics

From: Patient education needs in severe asthma, a pilot study

Number of patients


Age (yrs) (mean ± SD)

53.5 ± 13.6

Age at severe asthma diagnosis (yrs) (mean ± SD)

49.7 ± 15.1

Female gender (n, %)

30 (56.6)

Body mass index (kg/m²) (mean ± SD)

28.9 ± 5.9

 ≥ 30 (n, %)

18 (33.9)

Smoking history


 Current smoker (n, %)

2 (3.8)

 Ex-smoker (n, %)

24 (45.3)

 Pack-year (n = 26) (mean ± SD)

15.7 ± 13.5



 Nasal polyps (n, %)

23 (43.4)

 GERD (n, %)

20 (37.7)

 Allergic rhinitis (n, %)

12 (22.6)

Occupation category


 Manager and intellectual professions (n, %)

8 (15.1)

 Technical professions (n, %)

20 (37.7)

 Services (n, %)

17 (32.1)

 Unemployed (n, %)

6 (11.3)

 Students (n, %)

2 (3.8)

Treatment adherence (MARS score ≥ 21)

48 (90.6)

ACT score (mean ± SD)

17.0 ± 5.3

 < 15 (n, %)

16 (30.2)

 15–19 (n, %)

15 (28.3)

 ≥ 20 (n, %)

22 (41.5)



 In the last year (n, %)

35 (66)

 Number per patient (median[25th -75th ]

1 [0–4]

 ≥ 2 severe exacerbations in the last year (n,%)

25 (47.2)

Blood eosinophils (109/L) * (median[25th -75th ]

0.60 [0.4–1.0]

 < 150 (n, %)

2 (3.8)

 150–299 (n, %)

2 (3.8)

 ≥ 300 (n, %)

49 (92.4)

Aeroallergen sensitization (n, %)

26 (49.1)

FEV1 post bronchodilation, % (mean ± SD)

80.2 ± 18.6

FEV1/FVC (mean ± SD)

68.2 ± 9.9

Treatment at inclusion


 Inhaled corticosteroid (n, %)

53 (100)

 Long-acting beta2 agonist (n, %)

53 (100)

 Long-acting muscarinic antagonist (n, %)

13 (24.5)

 Montelukast (n, %)

27 (50.9)

 Long-term oral corticosteroid (previous or current) (n, %)

16 (30.2)

 OCS dose (mg/day) (mean ± SD)

12.7 ± 7.7

 Biologic therapy (current) (n, %)

49 (92.5)

 1st line (n, %)

25 (51.0)

 ≥2nd line (n, %)

24 (49.0)

Previous TPE program (n, %)

21 (39.6)

 Time from the last TPE program > 1 year (mean ± SD)

11 (20.8)

  1. Data are expressed as number (percentage), mean ± SD or median [25th -75th ]
  2. *: highest count before biologic treatment
  3. GERD: Gastro-eosophageal reflux disease; MARS: Medical Adherence Report Scale; ACT: Asthma Control Test; TPE: Therapeutic patient education