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Table 1 Clinical characteristics, laboratory and physiological test results in all patients with IPF

From: Treatment of acute exacerbation of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis with direct hemoperfusion using a polymyxin B-immobilized fiber column improves survival


Median (range), n = 31

Age, years

69 (50, 84)

Sex, male/female


Smoking, never/ex/current


Pack-year of smoking

35 (0, 81)

Diagnosis, surgical lung biopsy/clinical, n


Period from symptom onset, m

49 (0, 203)

Observation period, m

53 (2, 205)

%FVC before AE, %

58.8 (37.5, 89.3)

FEV1% before AE, %

87.4 (78.5, 107.0)

%DLCO before AE, %

57.1 (33.5, 88.2)

PaO2 at rest before AE, Torr

70.5 (49.0, 91.0)

6MWT distance before AE, m

360 (160, 507)

6MWT minSpO2 before AE, %

82 (60, 87)

Serum LDH at AE, ng/mL

344 (220, 602)

Serum KL-6 at AE, U/mL

1367 (481, 6404)

Serum SP-D at AE, ng/mL

339 (23, 966)

Extent scores on HRCT before AE (full score: 25)

12 (7, 19)

The GAP staging system before AE, I/II/III/unknown


Preceding treatments for IPF, +/ -


Preceding oxygen therapy, +/ -


Period from admission to commencement of treatments for AE, day

1 (0, 17)

Treatment with PMX-DHP, +/-


Mortality 3 months after AE, n (%)

12 (38.7)

Mortality 12 months after AE, n (%)

23 (74.2)

  1. AE = acute exacerbation; IPF = idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis; FVC = forced vital capacity;
  2. FEV1 = forced expiratory volume in 1 second; DLCO: diffusion lung capacity for carbon monoxide; 6MWT = six-minute walk test; LDH = lactate dehydrogenase; KL-6 = Krebs von den Lungen-6; SP-D = surfactant protein D; PMX-DHP = direct hemoperfusion with a polymyxin B-immobilized fiber column.