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Table 4 Functional characteristics of the 45 adult obese patients

From: The modified Medical Research Council scale for the assessment of dyspnea in daily living in obesity: a pilot study


Total (n = 45)

Spirometry (n = 45)


 FEV1,% pred

88 ± 18

 VC,% pred

92 ± 20

 FEV1 < 80%

13 (29%)


0.77 ± 0.10

 FEV1/ VC < 0.7

5 (11%)

Plethysmography (n = 38)


 FRC,% pred

94 ± 23

 ERV,% pred

56 ± 34

 TLC,% pred

98 ± 17

 TLC < 80%

5 (13%)

 DLCO,% pred

83 ± 18

 DLCO < 70%

10 (26%)

Arterial blood gases (n = 43)



7.42 ± 0,03

 PaO2 (mmHg)

90 ± 16

 PaO2 ≤ 70 mmHg

0 (0%)

 PaCO2 (mmHg)

39 ± 4

 PaCO2 > 45 mmHg

0 (0%)

Walking test (n = 45)


 6-minute walk distance (m)

420 ± 112

 SpO2 at rest (%)

97 ± 2

 SpO2 after 6MWT (%)

95 ± 2

 Decrease > 4% of SpO2

7 (16%)

 SpO2 after 6MWT < 90%

1 (2%)

  1. Data are expressed as mean ± SD or number (%).
  2. FEV1: expiratory volume in one second, VC: vital capacity, FRC: functional residual capacity, ERV: expiratory reserve volume, TLC: total lung capacity, DLCO: carbon monoxide diffusing capacity of the lung, pred: predicted value, 6MWT: six-minute walk test.